Multisensory Reading Clinic
Greater Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Expertise: Literacy Instruction with High-Powered Reading & Spelling Skills
+ 9 years 100% Success Online & Onsite Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Treatment
Learn the best & the most effective reading & spelling skills from the expert!
The Greater Montreal's only direct, explicit, multisensory, structured, systematic, cumulative, diagnostic, prescriptive, intensive, and cognitive, but flexible phonics and research-based instruction literacy clinic with 100% SUCCESS literacy intervention, remediation, and prevention
Multisensory Reading System
Orton Gillingham
learn the best and the most effective reading & spelling skills from the expert!
Learn the best and the most effective reading and spelling skills and teach your child, we will help you!
Interested? Contact us Below
Teaching children to learn how to read and spell the English language correctly - meaning without asking the learners to memorize words is not easy because English is a complex language. The words from the English language come from different sources and languages such as Old and Middle English, Latin and French, etc., —each with its phonology, structure, rules, strategies, and techniques.
Also, with close to a million words and counting and has the largest vocabulary and is still growing, the English language has many variants and has one of the most complex alphabetic orthographies. Therefore, the training, workshops, and courses to learn the English language even for teachers must be divided into different levels so that it will not be too overwhelming for the participants.
Our Multisensory Reading System (MRS) Orton-Gillingham Literacy Training is open to all parents with children and those with dyslexia as well as parents who would like to increase their children’s reading and spelling skills.
Multisensory Reading System
Literacy Training for Parents
subject to modification based on the participant/s capacity to learn
Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2, Level 2 is a prerequisite for Level 3, and so on. Strategies, rules, and tips for reading and spelling are included in the training package. Additional training, sessions, and consultations, if needed have additional fees and are subject to our available time slots. Also, the child the participant is intended to teach must have at least low cognitive ability and intact vision and hearing because not everyone can learn to read.
MRS Orton-Gillingham Literacy Training for Parents Level 1.1: The Basic Speech Sounds and the Vowel-Consonant Simple Words
We do not start learning to read and spell by learning the names of the letters of the alphabet but by the sounds. Thus this training delves into the basic speech sounds, the foundation for learning how to read, write, spell, and comprehend. For example, if a child knows and can recognize the sounds of /k/, /a/, /t/ and can connect these sounds he can read and even spell the word cat but not if he only knows the names of the letters c, a, t.
Also, based on the feedback that we received during the educators' training, most of the teachers are overwhelmed with too much information to digest, and strategies to teach children how to read, write, spell, and comprehend, therefore the literacy training must be divided by levels for educators and with sublevels for parents.
At the end of the training, participants will be able to teach students with at least low cognitive ability and with intact vision and hearing to read and spell closed syllable, one-syllable simple words such as zag cot, bud, kin, peb, etc., meaning without memorizing words.​
What is included
1. Lecture/instruction and hands-on training​
Basic information about dyslexia and the emotional consequences of dyslexia
A brief history of the language
The rationale of the Orton-Gillingham approach
Phonemes - the sounds of consonants and short vowels
Phoneme blending and segmentation, closed syllable, one-syllable words how to teach reading and spelling effectively
VC/CVC pattern
Strategies, tips, and techniques to teach closed-syllable, one-syllable simple words in reading and spelling
Strategies, tips, and techniques to teach some sight/red words
Strategies to teach structured manuscripts and sounds at the same time
Typical multisensory lesson plan
Make and take sounds and word cards: closed syllable, one-syllable simple words
2. Materials:
- Word list: to be distributed during the training
MRS VC/CVC with suffix s word list, - more than 1000 words
MRS basic keywords with pictures in black & white
MRS The Basic Sounds of the English Language poster: black and white 8.5X11 inches paper
MRS Reading & Spelling Diagnostic Reading & Spelling Test Recording & Tracking Form
MRS Reading & Spelling Diagnostic Reading & Spelling Student Form
MRS Lesson Plan Form
MRS Reading Fluency Chart
MRS Spelling Fluency Chart
Level 1.2 TBA Concepts
1. Lecture/instruction and hands-on training​
​Final/ending blends closed syllable i.e. elk
Floss double ff, ll, ss,
Consonant digraphs, closed syllable sh, ck, ch, th, wh, qu
Trigraph -tch itch, batch
Welded sounds: ang, ong, ung, ing, ank, onk, unk, ink
Closed syllable exception: ind, ild, ost, old, olt
Initial/beginning with two-letter blends, i.e. sloth, frog, skink
Initial/beginning with three-letter blends i.e sprint, scratch, splash
Strategies, tips, and techniques to teach closed-syllable, one-syllable words in reading and spelling
Strategies, tips, and techniques to teach some sight/red words - basic one-syllable words
Typical multisensory lesson plan
Make and take sounds and word cards: closed syllable, one-syllable words including exceptions to the closed syllable words
2. Materials:
- Word list: to be distributed during the training ​
MRS Floss double ff, ll, ss - more than 200 words
MRS Closed syllable exception: ind, ild, ost, old, olt - more than 100 words
MRS Consonant digraphs, closed syllable sh, ck, ch, th, wh, qu - more than 400 words
MRS Final/ending blends closed syllable i.e. elk - more than 200 words
MRS Trigraph -tch itch, batch - more than 50 words
MRS Initial/beginning with two-letter blends, i.e. sloth, frog, skink - more than 300 words
MRS Initial/beginning with three-letter blends i.e sprint, scratch, splash - more than 300 words​​
MRS basic keywords with pictures in black & white
MRS The Basic Sounds of the English Language poster: black and white 8.5X11 inches paper
MRS Reading & Spelling Diagnostic Reading & Spelling Test Recording & Tracking Form
MRS Reading & Spelling Diagnostic Reading & Spelling Student Form
MRS Lesson Plan Form
MRS Reading Fluency Chart
MRS Spelling Fluency Chart
Please Note: All of the materials are the property of the Multisensory Reading Clinic and they all have strong watermarks.
What the participants need: optional but highly recommended
During the training:
1. Index cards 3X5 inches - cheaper at the dollar store for word, sound, and strategies
- at least 50 pieces
- at least 5 pieces: red or pink
2. Markers: black, red, blue other colors, optional to write on the cards
3. Papers and pens for note-taking
4. Stopwatch for a one-minute fluency
5. Other items will be provided by the Multisensory Reading Clinic
After the training: Optional
1. Index cards 3X5 inches for interactive teaching​
-white for structured, fluency, words and strategies
2. Markers to use for writing on the cards
3. Binders for each student to keep their materials and books organized
4. Trays with uncooked rice for interactive teaching
5. Whiteboards and markers for interactive teaching
Contact us, we will send you the registration form.
Acceptable payment: Check payable to Multisensory Reading Clinic or via Interac to this email: Materials will follow after the payment is cleared
Refund and Cancellation:
The registrant will be charged 25% of the total cost and $150 for cancellation and/or withdrawal fees before access to the materials
Once you have access to the materials, a 50% refund, and $150 cancellation and withdrawal fees will be charged.
In extenuating circumstances, the Multisensory Reading Clinic may reschedule the training, and/or change the training venue. The registrant may also change her time slots from the Multisensory Reading Clinic's available schedule or s/he may be issued a credit to be used within a year of the date issued for any training, services, and products.
Registrants must agree to our terms and conditions that our MRS OG literacy training is for parents, grandparents and/or relatives to be used for the children within their families and not intended to be a reading specialist to teach other children. All payments must be cleared as stated on the invoice and no individuals are allowed inside the training venue without the signed terms and conditions.
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