Multisensory Reading Clinic
Greater Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Learn from the EXPERT: the best & the most effective reading & spelling skills
100% Success + 10 yrs Online & Onsite Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Treatment
Literacy intervention, remediation and prevention
The Greater Montreal's only direct, explicit, multisensory, structured, systematic, cumulative, diagnostic, prescriptive, intensive, and cognitive, but flexible phonics and research-based instruction literacy clinic with 100% SUCCESS literacy intervention, remediation, and prevention
Multisensory Reading System
Orton Gillingham
Learn from the expert: the best and the most effective reading & spelling skills !
Learn the BEST and the MOST effective reading and spelling skills that you can use for your entire life!
Multisensory Reading System
Literacy training For CLASSROOM EDUCATORs
subject to modification based on the participant/s capacity to learn
Strategies, rules, and tips for reading and spelling are included in the training package.
Additional training, sessions, and consultations, if needed, have additional fees and are subject to our available timeslots
we give tools and skills with visible and permanent results because we are a one-of-a-kind literacy learning center!
100% SUCCESS Literacy Intervention, Remediation, & Prevention
Teaching children to learn how to read and spell the English language correctly - meaning without asking the learners to memorize words is not easy because English is a complex language. The words from the English language come from different sources and languages such as Old and Middle English, Latin and French, etc., —each with its phonology, structure, rules, strategies, and techniques.
Also, with close to a million words and counting and has the largest vocabulary and is still growing, the English language has many variants and has one of the most complex alphabetic orthographies. Therefore, the training, workshops, and courses to learn the English language even for teachers must be divided into different levels so that it will not be too overwhelming for the participants.
Together, we can make the impossible, possible!
MRS Orton-Gillingham Training Level 2
a multisensory structured Orton-Gillingham approach to language instruction
--------------------$595.00+taxes + materials + shipping - optional-------------------------------
Training Schedule Options 2024 TBA
Our next training should be for grade two teachers because the concepts of MRS OG CE Level 2 are typically taught in this grade level. It is also ideal for resource teachers and other teachers that deal with remediation and intervention.
Teachers who obtained the MRS OG CE level 1 are also welcome for this level and this could be a bit easier for them because they knew our method of instruction.
As always, strategies, techniques, tips, and rules of the English language as well as a complimentary support after the training are included in the training package.
The MRS OG CE Level 1 must be explicitly taught to students especially for those who have language impairment as discussed during the MRS OG CE Level 1 training
MRS Orton-Gillingham Training Level 2
Selections of concepts in working progress and are subject to change based on the capacity of the participants or it will be too overwhelming - participants might need a refresher course for this concept
What is included TBA in working progress
1. VCe/silent e - a five minute instruction to effectively teach in reading & spelling, but it is not easy to master
2. two-syllable simple closed syllable words i.e rabbit- how to divide
3. two-syllable floss & closed syllable words - how to divide
4. two-syllable digraphs closed syllable words - how to divide
5. two-syllable ending blends closed syllable words - how to divide
6. two syllable two blends closed syllable - how to divide
7. Two syllable three blends closed syllable - how to divide
MRS OG 1 Closed Syllable, One-Syllable Word
CVC pattern
Floss double ff, ll, ss,
Closed syllable exception: ind, ild, old, ost, olt
Consonant digraphs, closed syllable sh, ck, ch, th, wh, qu, ng, nk
Final/ending blends closed syllable i.e. elk
Trigraph -tch itch, batch
Initial/beginning with two-letter blends, i.e. sloth, frog, skink
Initial/beginning with three-letter blends i.e sprint, scratch, splash
MRS OG 2 Silent e/ VCe one syllable words, two-syllable closed syllable words -TBA
vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel words i.e. rabbit, chipmunk, squabbish, scrumpox, scrimshank
vc.ccv – os.trich
vcc.ccv– catfish
three-syllable closed syllable words: badminton
MRS OG 3 Vowel-Consonant-E (VCe) Syllable, Silent e and with closed syllable two-syllable words
VCe i.e. cake, mode, dine, mule, rude
closed syllable & VCe i.e vulture, pancake, cakemix
MRS OG 4 Open Syllable, One-Syllable Words Introduction
open syllable i.e. me, spy
MRS OG 5 Vowel Teams: Vowel Digraphs & diphthongs & r-controlled introduction
one-syllable common vowel teams: ai, ay, ee, ey, ea, oi, oy, ou, ow, au, aw, oo, oa, igh, eigh i.e. bear, snow, sleigh
one-syllable word: ar, or, ur, ir, er - carp
MRS OG 6 Vowel Teams: Vowel digraphs & diphthongs, r-controlled, open-syllable Continuation & two syllable words
Two-syllable words vowel team combinations: explain
two-syllable words open syllable combinations: baby, bison, cam el, soft c & g ceindy & geimmy
two-syllable word combinations: explain
MRS 7 R controlled & Suffixes
two-syllable words combinations: parrot
rules adding dropping e, ing
ed – /ed/, /t/, /d/,d -ted, ded, /d/ banned, /t/ camped
MRS 8 Consonant-l-e Syllable and its exception
two-syllable words combination: cattle, cycle
exception: castle
MRS 9 Exceptions/Schwa/ suffix endings -two-syllable words combination
olive – ive exception
MRS 10 Multisyllabic: two- three-syllable and more with syllable types word combinations
talented –ed three-syllable + words
attention - -tion, -sion two + more syllable words
an i mal with unstressed & schwa /i/
mon og ram with /o/ long, short, and schwa sounds
con sul tant with/u/ long, short, and schwa sounds
com pre hend with /e/ long, short and schwa sounds
pu ma, Can a da with /a/ long, short, and schwa sounds
sur ger y r-controlled three-syllable
enjoyable spelling rule with y
popsicle –cle three-syllable +
MRS 11 Additional suffixes, advanced concepts
ance, ant, ence, ery, ory,ous, ic, ist, ism, ity, ize, ible,…
MRS 12 additional sounds: advanced concepts:
rh, mb, mn, gn, kn, etc..
lion, violin, create…
ci, ti, tu, ture architecture
with syllable division word pattern: ar chi tec ture
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