Fall Term 2022: Do you really need to wait until your struggling child would suffer from depression, anxiety, behaviour problem, low self-esteem, no self-confidence, no self-worth & suicidal thoughts – typical symptoms of struggling readers, before act?
Even a first grader knows that she has problem learning to read! Get the help before it is too late! Schedule your child’s reading assessment today! Through the testing of reading, writing, spelling and comprehension we could find out if your child has symptoms of dyslexia so that he can have an early intervention.

100% Success Onsite and Online Multisensory Reading Clinic 100% Success Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Treatment Therapeutic Tutoring 100% Success MRS Orton-Gillingham Parents & Teachers Literacy Training 100% Success Dyslexia Structured Literacy Intervention, Remediation & Prevention #multisensoryreadingclinic#strugglingchildrenreadinghelp #repeatgradehelpdyslexiaortongillingham#summer2022effectivereadinghelp#ortongillinghammontreal#effectivedyslexiareadinghelpmontreal#dyslexiareadingprogramtutoringmontreallavalquebeccanada #dyslexiatestassessmentmontreallavalquebeccanada dyslexiareadingtutorliteracytreatmentnearme #ortongillinghamtutornearme #virtualonlinebestdyslexiaortongillinghammontreallavalcanadatutor #teachers#training#success